The faith chronicles

Monday, July 25, 2011


Retreat Summary

Retreat Summary
(based on the retreat given by Fr. Cresenciano Ubud of Cebu to the Risen Lord's Vineyard Community on July 24-25, 2011 at Rancho Elena, Calamba City, Laguna)

Title: Growing Together in Grace as a Body of Christ

I. Definition of terms

What is growth? Growth means change.

We don't like change, even though it's the only thing that's permanent in this world. Why? Because change involves loss, the loss of a comfort zone. We don't like change because we don't like its emotional impact: pain.

Growth --> Change --> Loss
↓ ↓

Gain Pain

But growth in Christ can only be gain. No pain, no gain.


What is grace? Grace is a gift of God that sanctifies (makes holy) us.

Since everything in creation belongs to and is created by God, everything is meant to sanctify us. Every person sanctifies us (even the bad). But everything that sanctifies us can also bring us to hell when we don't know how to handle blessings. Blessings can make us sinners if we are not careful. If we use everything for the body of Christ, then or blessings bring sanctification.


What is the body of Christ? The answer is in 1Cor. 12:12-30.

The body of Christ has four elements:

1. Every part is important.
2. Every part is working for the sake of others.
3. If one part suffers, the whole body suffers also.
4. If one part is honored, the whole body is honored.

Everyone in the body of Christ is other-centered.

To suffer for others means:

- accepting pain
- saying I'm hurt but I'm not blaming
- sharing the shame; continuing being a part of that person despite the shameful thing he did.

Being part of the body of Christ means being 'abnormal,' or transcending what is normal (or logical in the world's thinking). For example, no one claims his or her own personal honor, but claims the honor as a product of joint effort.

There is what we call the mystical body of Christ:

1. triumphant church - saints in heaven
2. suffering church - souls in purgatory
3. militant church - we the living


II. Being a Body of Christ

How do we work as a body of Christ? Answer: Through the three-fold offices of Christ: priestly, prophetic, and kingly offices.

Priestly office (1Pt 2:5,9-10) - the priestly office brings Faith.

Are we a priest of God, or a priest of Satan? (Satan is always present wherever God is, as in the Garden of Eden.) In any case, there are three basic functions to fulfill:

Priest of God vs Priest of Satan

1. Offers sacrifices* 1. Seeks comforts
2. Prays always (formal and personal prayer) 2. Works always
3. Loves sacraments 3. Loves human traditions (such as superstitions)

*Sacrifice means foregoing or setting aside something for God.

If you are a priest of God, trust in His blessings for today! (Don't we pray, "Give us THIS DAY our daily bread?") Make your plan, but the present portion of that plan is your responsibility, and the greater part should be entrusted to God. Worrying about the future is Satan's deception. If you pray, don't worry.

Don't be deceived by pain. After pain comes happiness.

What does blessing mean? Blessing means three things:

- thanksgiving, in recognition that the gift or grace came from God
- entrusting the gift to God because it is His after all
- committing to be a steward of the gift

What do we gain as a priest of God? The power of God!

Remember how St. Paul prayed through his work "day and night."

Satan has no power when we have no worries, fears, anxieties, for fear is the stronghold of Satan. Satan will be conquered when we are no longer afraid to die. Why fear death, when after we die, we live again, for eternity?

What if comforts in life are already there? The key is detachment. Don't be attached to comfort.

The twist is, once we sacrifice, there is comfort. Then we share the comfort. The key lies in setting the level of our contentment.

Prophetic Office (Gal 1:6-11) - the prophetic office brings Hope

Are we a prophet of God, or a prophet of Satan?

There are three functions to fulfill:

Prophet of God vs Prophet of Satan

1. Preaches good news* 1. Preaches bad news
2. Seeks divine knowledge 2. Seeks scientific knowledge
3. Tells the truth 3. Tells lies

*Preaching the good news means preaching out of love (1Cor 3), encouraging, unburdening.
Preaching bad news means making one anxious.

One practical way of telling the truth is turning gossip into sharing or testimony of one's own weaknesses.

What do we gain from being a prophet of God? Divine Inspiration (not human inspiration)!

Kingly Office (Lk 22:24-30) - the kingly office results in a Life of Love

Are we a king of God or a king of Satan?

King of God vs King of Satan

1. Serves the least* 1. Serves the elite**
2. Leads with humility 2. Leads with pride
3. Loves friends and enemies 3. Loves friends and kills enemies

*Aside from the obvious (poor and marginalized people), "the least" can mean the emotionally least or people we don't like. People who are least in status are easier to help because there is no emotional involvement.

**Likewise, "the elite" may mean not just the elite in terms of socioeconomic status, but also our favorite people or the people closest to our hearts.

Love is inclusive, not exclusive.

What do we gain from being a king of God? Lasting Happiness!

A loving person is always happy.

Joy after pain is true happiness. Joy without (before?) pain is shallow happiness and could end in lasting suffering.


III. Assignment

Have a system of action in which you can be a priest, prophet, and king in community. Extend the application to family, workplace, bigger community.

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